Submitted by Bart Solomon, President, UUCC Board of Trustees

I hope that you all had a restful and fulfilling holiday season and are ready for a new year.  The next few months promise to be a busy one for UUCC and the Board.  The nominating committee has just begun the hard work of canvassing church members for personal interest or recommendations for individuals to serve on the search committee.  For those of you who missed my article last month, the Board voted in November to begin the process of searching  for a called minister.  This is a long process that will hopefully culminate in a new minister who would start in August of 2019.  In the interim, the Board has requested, and Rev. Cathy has graciously accepted, a renewal of her developmental ministry contract through the 2018-2019 church year.   Please expect a call from the nominating committee in the weeks to come.  The congregational meeting to elect the search committee with take place in late April.
Several other important items are also taking place. Our ad for a new DRE has been placed on line and will be active until the end of February.  Hopefully we will receive interest from some wonderful candidates.  The Board met for a governance retreat this past Saturday, and with the help of Link Christensen and Rev. Cathy, learned a great deal about ways that we can free the Board to be more focused on planning and less on small operational details.  We have already begun to institute some of those changes and other, more structural changes could be coming in by-law change recommendations.   
Finally, our stairway chairlift was installed just before the new year.  It works fabulously and is a much-needed addition to our facility.    In combination with new member Sunday, we will have a dedication celebration of the chairlift and potluck after the service on January 28.  Please join us for this fun event.