UUCC Social Justice Vision:  Justice is at the core of our faith.  Our congregation is called to make a positive difference in our wider communities.  We work to serve, to raise awareness, and to support and partner with people who face injustice.  We advocate, organize and act for justice to live the values of our faith.

Here is what we have accomplished in 2016/2017:

Community Connections/Collaborations
a. East Third Street Church of Christ & UUCC: a black/white group discussing racism in Chattanooga
b. Welcome Home: Serving meals for hospice resident & collaborating to provide community education on Death & Dying
c. Environment: Working with the Sierra Club and other local environmental organizations to organize Earth Day events, Environmental Events, Participate in Marches; CITICO mound.
d. Working with CALEB a local justice organization to address housing, homelessness, food deserts and discrimination in Chattanooga.
e. Participated in Chattanooga Police efforts to engage the community though joint events and community/police safety walks in areas where gang activity is prominent.
f. Mentoring at risk youth and gang members with Father to the Fatherless
g. LGBT issues: Namoli performance; Pride Service; Transgender day of remembrance
h. Indivisible: advocating for our Representatives to be accountable and transparent in support of such issues as the Affordable Health Care Act.
i. Bringing Father Michael Lapsley’s “Healing of Memories” program to Chattanooga to help with the trauma associated with violence, poverty and racism.

Church Connections
a. Two Forum presentations: 1) Poverty, world view, oppression and their impact on politics and voting; 2) Declaration of Conscience, confronting middle class comfort and the need for activism.
b. Environmental Play and film
c. Asking for the Congregation to sign the Declaration of Conscience AND take actions that will make a difference in our community
d. Monthly Friday night movies & discussion of how they relate to social justice issues
e. Organize and promote monthly Share the Plate
f. Black Lives Matter Banner

Our Annual Organizing Meeting will be on Tuesday, May 30th at 6:30.

Please send us your ideas for Share the Plate and Movies for next year. And, if you are so inclined please come to our organizing meeting. We have already lined up interesting new things for next year.

“The real job of welcoming sheltering, and creating justice falls to ordinary people.”
Respectfully Submitted, Judith Pedersen-Benn, Chair