11:00 Service ~ The Story of an Average Yellow Star,
and how it came to feel good about itself.
Charles Darwin
Connie BarlowIn honor of Evolution Weekend, celebrated on the weekend closest to Darwin’s birthday, the RE kids present an evolutionary parable written by scientist Connie Barlow. The purpose of Evolution Weekend is to demonstrate that science and religion can indeed be compatible and to create a more constructive dialogue. Presented by our minister Cathy Harrington and UUCC kids.

9:30 Forum ~  the Classism UUs know, love & promotetom kunesh
  As the UUA casts about for “systems of power, privilege and oppression to counter” (2013), the existing upper & lower religious UU class system of clergy & laity, Lords Spiritual & commoners, continues today only slightly changed from the ancient times of Ur and Nineveh. They are us.  How we got here, & how we can get out.  tom kunesh, presenter. clergy in collars & stoles