hands giving & receiving a gift10:45 Connections
~ sharing joys & concerns
10:55 Gathering ~ music

11:00 Service ~ The Gift
Cathy HarringtonAll of the world’s great wisdom traditions praise the act of giving. Christianity states that it is more blessed to give than receive, but I challenge the notion that it is more blessed to give. This is so ingrained in our society that we often find it more difficult to receive than to give. This is a sermon about learning that to receive a gift graciously is actually a form of giving.   Speaking: our minister Cathy Harrington.Bill Klontz UUA Stewardship consultant

9:30 Forum ~  Time to Discuss Our Church ~ Bill Clontz, Southeast UUA Stewardship Consultant, with insights on the many program & operation areas of UU congregations, the best way to build a stronger church community, and how to make UUCC more meaningful in our members’ and friends’ lives.