11:00 am ~ UU 101: A Brief History of Unitarian Universalism

Cathy HarringtonToo often, people assume the Unitarian Universalism is a New Age religion or not a religion at all! How do you answer when someone asks, What do UU’s believe? or Just what kind of church is this anyway if you don’t believe in the Bible or Jesus? Do you believe in God?

uu_flameAs Barbara Meredith says, “Unitarian Universalists have said for centuries that there is room in our religion for all seekers. Skeptics and poets and scientists are welcome here, as nonconformists and shy and uncertain folk.  We believe that restlessness and doubts are a sign of grace, that the love of truth is the holiest of gifts.”

Speaker: our minister Cathy Harrington

9:30 Forum  (downstairs) ~ The Curious Case of the Slot & Tab Tombs of Northeast Georgia: A Visual Tour

0629tombs3The Dahlonega-Cleveland, Georgia area is home to a unique burial marker style that resembles neolithic dolmens and modern mid eastern tomb stones. Visiting these puzzles in rural Appalachian cemeteries makes for a perfect summer day-trip, even virtually.

Presenter: While looking for the origins of UTC’s former mascot ‘Chief Wahoo’, tom kunesh came across these still-standing grave artifacts of Georgia’s second generation of white settlers. kunesh has an MA in religion & art history.